How to deal with changes to registered certificates

When CU TR/ EAEU TR certificates and declarations are registered, they are automatically published in online National Registers of EAEU states, under unique numbers assigned automatically.

Every state has its own national register, for instance Kazakhstan register includes all CoC’s and DoC’s registered by Kazakh accredited certification bodies.


What happen if your registered certificate needs to be amended?

Changes in already issued certificates are not assumed by the CU and EAEU TR procedures.

In case of any change in

  • design or technical parameters

  • scope of the certificate/ equipment considered

  • name or address of the local representative (applicant) or the manufacturer

  • other major amendments

the certificate is no longer valid and requires to be reissued, based on appropriate tests confirming compliance of the equipment to the applicable standards and operating conditions.


Different scenario is when the Certification body closes its business. Before closure, it will be responsible to indicate to the applicants a new Certification body, which will take over its valid certificates. These will remain in the national register provided that periodical audits will be performed on time.


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